
This site is created for Final Portfolio for Methods of Text Analysis Spring 2023.

Here are some details included in this Portfolio.

My name: Yunxia Wei

Contact information: yunxia1314@gmail.com

Course number: Data 78000 – Methods of Text Analysis

  1. A table of contents Tab: 1). Contains a list of the resources I utilized for my five-page paper; I downloaded and uploaded them. 2). Book Review, Blog Posts and Abstract Posted for Class
  2. Final Paper Tab: A five-page, typed, academic introduction, which uses conventional methods of citation based on a widely-used citation style (MLA, Chicago, etc). This paper takes a position about feminist text analysis. Does it exist? Could it exist? What does it look like? What would a speculative feminist text analysis include? Addressing any of those questions would be appropriate.
  3. Jupyter notebooks: A copy of the Jupyter notebooks I completed with interspersed reflections and comments about the code that connect the day’s reading with the text analysis method.